
Carlos Ramirez-Reyes, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Data Services Coordinator
Profile portrait of the Data Services Coordinator, Carlos Ramirez Reyes
Remote Sensing and GIS data, Reproducible data analysis and visualization in R


As the Data Services Coordinator, I work with students, faculty and staff across campus in all aspects of research data management: from project planning to data archiving. I provide consultations on data literacy, research data lifecycle, data manipulation, data visualization, and reproducible analysis in R.  Given my background in quantitative, interdisciplinary science, landscape ecology and land systems, I also provide support in GIS and Remote Sensing research projects.


Ph.D. Forestry, University of Wisconsin-Madison

M.S. Applied Ecology, University of Poitiers, France

B.S. Biology, National Autonomous University of Mexico

Selected publications

  • Zarba, L., Piquer-Rodríguez, M. and other authors including Ramirez-Reyes, C. 2022. . Ecology and Society 27(2): 27.
  • Ramirez-Reyes, C., Nazeri, M., Jones-Farrand, D. T., Street, G., Vilella, F. and Evans, K. 2021. . Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 12: 98–111. 
  • Ramirez-Reyes, C., Brauman, K., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Galford, G., et al.  2019. . Science of the Total Environment 665: 1053-1063. 
  • Ramirez-Reyes, C., Potapov, P., Sims, K., and Radeloff, V.C. 2018 . Ecological Applications 28(8): 1982-1997.
  • Ramirez-Reyes, C., Bateman, B. L., and Radeloff, V. C. 2016. . Biological Conservation 204(B): 296–305.