
Psychology Policy – Faculty Annual Evaluation Committee

  • Faculty Annual Evaluation Committee December 2009
  • Digital Measures Evaluation Materials due to Department by January 25, 2010.
  • This is a statement of what the current practice regarding evaluation has been since the change from having the chair appoint all committee members.

Department Procedure

The Department FacultyReview Committee shall provide annual recommendations regarding faculty evaluations to the Department Chair. Faculty will be evaluated based on mutually agreed upon responsibilities as described in the faculty role statement. As noted in the CLA bylaws, neither faculty member nor the chair can unilaterally change the role statement. Significant discrepancies in role statements must be approved by the Dean of the CLA. All evaluations are based on equitable and uniform criteria and are based on pertinent evidence. Decisions of the Chair and Merit Review Committee shall be communicated in writing to department Faculty. If the Committee finds in its review of a given case that a department Faculty has not followed established Department criteria or procedures, the Committee shall notify the Chair with appropriate recommendations.

  1. Committee Membership. The Department Evaluation Review Committee shall consist of Five members, three (3) elected from each of the department Programs and two appointed by the Chair to broaden representation or maintain Committee experience.
  2. Term of Office. Each elected member shall serve a Two-year term, terms of office to be staggered. Each appointed member shall serve a One year term that may be renewed by the chair for one year. If there is a change in faculty availability due to timing of the meetings, a new member will be appointed. Appointments will be made in the Fall semester.
  3. Vacancy. Should a vacancy occur among elected members, the Chair shall appoint a successor to serve out the academic year, election for the vacant position to occur during the spring semester. Should a vacancy occur among appointed members, the Chair shall appoint a successor to serve the remainder of the appointee’s term.
  4. Procedures. If possible, the Department Chair shall appoint a Chair from among members who have already served at least one year on the Faculty Evaluation Committee. The Committee shall review, and if necessary revise, its written policies and procedures at the beginning of each academic year. Each faculty member will submit the standard documentation being used the university to report performance for the year. Every evaluation submitted to the Dean shall include a signed statement indicating only that the faculty member has read the evaluation. When there was any dual relationship, the faculty member will leave the meeting. Members also leave during the discussion of their own review. The Chair of the committee, will write the evaluation narrative for the department Chair and for faculty members that would represent a dual relationship. All data is entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Percentages from faculty role statements are entered and an overall rating is computed for each faculty member. When the Chair notes a significant discrepancy in the evaluation of the faculty from the recommendation of the committee, the Chair will review the evaluation with the committee.
  5. Disagreements with the Annual Evaluation: Faculty members who disagree with their annual evaluation maybe attach a written statement to the evaluation document stating their objections. This will become a part of the evaluation. If the faculty requests reconsideration, the review will be sent back to the committee. The committee can decided whether it is willing to consider new information. After the departmental review, additional reconsideration will be made in accordance with college and university policy and procedure. Formal grievance is governed by a university level process.

Merit consideration is made on the basis of the Chair and Committee recommendations. The dean makes merit recommendations to the provost.