
headshot of Sofia Cordova.

Sofía Córdova

Visiting Faculty


Sofía Córdova (b. 1985, Carolina, Puerto Rico; based in Oakland) makes work that considers sci-fi as alternative history, dance music's liberatory dimensions, climate change and migration, mystical objects and most recently, revolution - historical and imagined - within the matrix of class, gender, race, late capitalism and its technologies. Recent works have included performance, video, music, sculpture, taxidermy, and installation. She is one half of the music duo, XUXA SANTAMARIA. In addition to discrete projects, performances, and albums the duo collectively scores all of her video and performance work.

Her work has been exhibited and performed nationally and internationally at Tufts University Galleries, SFMOMA, the ASU Museum, The Berkeley Art Museum, the Vincent Price Museum, the Wattis Institute and YBCA.  The same is part of Pier 24’s and The Kadist’s permanent collections. She has recently participated in residencies at Eyebeam, New York, Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, Mills College Museum, Oakland, and the ASU Museum in Phoenix and composed and choreographed performances for the SF Arts Commission, Merce Cunningham Trust and Soundwave Biennial. She is a recipient of a Creative Work Fund and has been the subject of a First Look feature in Art in America. Her work was recently featured in Aperture Magazine and formed part of the exhibition no existe un mundo posthuracán at the Whitney Museum in New York.

Areas of emphasis

  • Sound
  • Music
  • Performance
  • Videography
  • Installation
  • Sculpture


See CV (website).


  • MFA, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA, 2010
  • BFA, Photography, St. John's University, Queens, NY, 2005
  • One-Year Program (Creative Practices), International Center of Photography, New York, NY, 2005
  • A.A. Photography and Biology, Bard College at Simon's Rock, Great Barrington, MA, 2003