
Media summit spotlights innovation and expertise

Media summit spotlights innovation and expertise

Nevada Interactive Media will host the First Annual NevadaInteract Media Summit to spotlight Nevada's interactive media expertise on March 7 at the University. The event will feature panels, workshops and presentations highlighting innovation and the tools and outstanding practitioners working in diverse industries.

"We wanted to provide a showcase for the considerable talent working in the interactive media industry in Nevada," said Tracy Viselli, summit co-founder and online media strategist. "Our hope is that people leave NevadaInteract with new connections and opportunities to collaborate and support each other."

NevadaInteract's keynote speaker, Jesse Stay, will discuss why businesses, organizations and government must understand social media. Stay is chief executive officer of SocialToo and author of “I’m On Facebook - Now What?”

“I'm looking forward to sharing some inspirational successes and failures in the realm of social media and how the organizations attending can improve their use of Social Media through Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, and more,” Stay said.

NevadaInteract will be hosted by the Reynolds School of Journalism and Center for Advanced Media Studies from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration is $25 for general admission, $10 for students. Tickets purchased on event day are $40.

Viselli and Edward Lenert, professor and Donald W. Reynolds Chair in critical thinking and ethical practices, founded Nevada Interactive Media in Reno, Nev., in Sept. 2008 to foster innovation in new media and technology and support professional and intellectual exchange.

The Reynolds School of Journalism is Nevada’s only accredited journalism school.

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