
Course assessment and reverification

Academic service-learning is a course-based teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.

Service-learning outcomes and performance objectives

Outcomes are based on the (Hahn et al., 2016):

  • Student understanding: Students completing service-learning courses will complete at least 15 hours of service and will understand their discipline and how it can serve the needs of the community.
  • Mutually beneficial partnerships: Service-learning partnerships will benefit both the student and the community.
  • Civic responsibility: Students completing a service-learning course will understand their roles as citizens and the universities responsibility to the community.
  • Diversity: Students completing a service-learning course will engage in frequent interactions and dialogue with peers and community members across a range of experiences and diverse perspectives.
  • Critical reflection: Students completing a service-learning course will understand how to reflect on their experience in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of personal values and civic responsibility


The Office of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement assesses courses on a five-year cycle. Faculty will be directly contacted by OSCLE when their course is due for reverification. All documents should be submitted through Curriculog. Thank you for your assistance!

Please complete the following by December 27, 2022:

    • As you complete the proposal, we ask that you take the perspective of what you did the last time you taught the course or what you plan to do the next time that you teach the course.
    • The purpose of this form is to obtain uniform data for all SL courses and to ensure that the course meets the minimum criteria for a course to be designated as service-learning.
  1. Attach to your Curriculog proposal a recent copy of the course syllabus highlighting any relevant references to service-learning and community engagement (i.e., within the course description and SLOs, the description of the service project, and any related assignments and readings)
  2. Attach the Service-Learning Course Reflection form to your curriculog proposal
    • As you complete the reflection form, we ask that you consider each question in light of what you have learned as you’ve taught the course (e.g., what worked, what didn’t, what you will do differently in the future).
    • The purpose of this form is to guide the development of targeted resources and workshops for faculty.

If course assessment and re-verification materials are not received by this deadline, it will be assumed you are no longer teaching the course as service-learning and will remove the designation.