
2,302: Annual Leave Policy for Classified Staff

Revised: June 2014

Annual leave for classified staff is accrued at the rate of 10 hours per month for full time employees with less than 10 years of state service, 12 hours per month for full time employees with more than 10 years of service but less than 15, and 14 hours per month for full time employees with 15 years or more of service.  Part-time classified employees earn annual leave on a prorated basis.  Contact Business Center North for assistance in calculating the amount of leave accrued and used by a part-time classified employee.

During the first six months of employment annual leave accrues, but no annual leave may be taken during that period.  Upon dismissal, an employee who has been employed for six months or more may be paid for annual leave accrued.  

If while on annual leave a classified staff employee becomes ill or injured, the employee remains on annual leave for the duration of the original request.  Annual leave cannot be converted to sick leave after the annual leave has commenced, unless the illness or injury is approved as FMLA leave.

Annual leave shall be granted by the supervisor after considering the needs of the department and the preference of the classified employee.  Managers may direct employees, in writing, to use annual leave in accordance with the needs of the department. This includes directing the use of annual leave after a resignation is tendered. Written approval or denial of annual leave must be obtained in writing before the annual leave is requested to commence or within 15 working days after the appointing authority receives the request, whichever is sooner.  The appointing authority may not prohibit an employee from using at least five consecutive days of annual leave in any calendar year (NAC 284.539)

The maximum number of accrued annual leave hours a classified employee can carry over to the new calendar year is 240. Managers should work with staff to ensure that annual leave is taken on a regular basis so employees do not forfeit earned leave.