
2,678: Faculty Leave of Absence Without Salary

Last Revised: September 2009

Leave of absence without salary, for periods up to 12 months, may be granted by the President to faculty who have been employed by the System for one year or more. 

Reasons for leave of absence without salary would include: a) to undertake work that benefits the System, such as research, advanced study, related consultation, teacher exchange, and governmental service; or b) other situations deemed appropriate by the president.

If the leave of absence without salary is deemed beneficial to the System, the University will pay the insurance premiums during the leave of absence; otherwise, the premiums must be paid by the faculty member.

The faculty member is expected to return to the University for a period of time at least equal to that of his/her last contract.

Faculty on a 12-month "A" contract appointment who take an approved leave of absence without pay shall be entitled to use accumulated annual leave concurrently, with prior approval of the supervisor or other appropriate administrative officer, before going into unpaid status; however, the faculty member shall not be paid a lump sum for any unused accumulated annual leave before going into unpaid status. Annual and/or sick leave cannot be earned while on leave without pay.

Requests for leave of absence without salary for more than 12 months must be approved by the Board of Regents.

Leave may only be taken in accordance with the policies in the Board of Regents Handbook (BOR) Title 4, Chapter 3. If an academic or administrative faculty member is absent from work without authorized leave, as defined in the BOR Handbook Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 14, the absence must be charged as unauthorized leave without pay. 

Unauthorized leave may be grounds for disciplinary action. However, placement of a faculty member on leave without pay under this section shall not constitute a disciplinary action, as defined in Chapter 6 of the Code. If a disciplinary action is brought under Chapter 6 of the Code, any discipline measures are in addition to the absences charged as unauthorized leave. (BOR Handbook Title 4, Chapter 3, Section 40)

Child rearing leave is a form of unpaid leave and must have approval of the President.