
4,310: Computer Usage

Last Revised: April 1999

Proprietary Software Usage: A continuing cost associated with the use of computers is the cost of acquiring appropriate software. Proprietary software is legally protected from unauthorized copying. All university personnel and students using university owned or privately owned computers on campus must use only legally acquired software. Violations of software copyright laws are sufficiently serious to warrant a review by the General Counsel. The University will not defend students, faculty or staff who engage in software piracy. Violations of copyright also violate NSHE Code, Section 6.2.2.

Use of University Computing Resources

  1. All university computing resources are to be used only for educational, research, and administrative purposes. Computers, computer-related equipment and software owned by the University may be used by faculty and staff only for purposes related to the individual's professional responsibilities or university activities and may not be applied to private purposes whether or not these purposes include a for-profit motivation.
  2. Computers and computer-related equipment and software owned by the University may not be removed from the campus unless the individual removing the equipment and/or software has obtained approval in writing from the department chair, dean, or other appropriate administrative officer responsible for the equipment. Written approval is not required when computing equipment is regularly used on off-campus teaching or extension work, or if authorized by the department chair or other responsible officer.