

Fellows in this program will be a part of vibrant interdisciplinary science teams working at the forefront of chemical and biological interactions. Fellows will have an opportunity to work in field settings studying natural populations and identifying the chemical basis of species interactions through advanced chemical analyses.

CBI course

The new Chemistry of Biological Interactions course is an interdisciplinary course that helps CBI Fellows to grow their technical breadth of knowledge. It is taught by the co-PI Dr. Lora Richards, professor in the biology department and co-PI Dr. Chris Jeffrey, professor in the chemistry department. Fellows gain knowledge in emerging topics within this convergent field, as well as skills in statistical analysis of multi-omics datasets. This course is offered to both MS and PhD students and accommodates an elective credit.

Professional Development Series

A series of professional development workshops is led by PI, Dr. Marjorie Matocq. She has developed this training to help CBI Fellows apply and discuss a variety of concepts to their graduate career.

Concepts that are covered in this course include:

  • Ally training by the University’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion
  • Mentoring
  • Cross-cultural and interdisciplinary communication
  • Getting teams to work through teamwork
  • Career exploration
  • Beyond the bench: skills for career success and satisfaction
  • Time management
  • The science of team science
  • Introduction to diversity, identity, and equity
  • Implicit bias and decision-making
  • Maintaining communications: power and privilege dynamics
  • Conflict resolution
  • Research ethics

Training in team science

Faculty fellow teams

CBI Fellows work on deep technical expertise, building collegial relationships and ethical data-sharing standards in their graduate careers whilst a part of a Faculty Fellow Team. The team will meet once a week to evaluate the progress of their goals and make sure the fellow is fulfilling their personal and academic goals.

CORE teams

CBI Fellows are members of COllaborative REsearch Teams (CORE). These teams include one EECB student and one Chemistry/Biochemistry student who are the central collaborators and interdisciplinary mentors to one another. The team works closely with both of their respective faculty mentors as they navigate team interactions and team research. CORE teams are student-led and generate co-authored papers as they reciprocally mentor one another in their respective disciplines. Through these activities, CBI Fellows have an unparalleled opportunity to practice their skills in teamwork, interdisciplinary communication, mentoring, and ethical transparency in data processing. Fellows will continue to establish robust collaborations in convergent research areas after being a part of a CORE Team.

Undergraduate mentoring and training

LAUNCH teams

During the third summer of training, CORE Teams create and develop a research opportunity for an undergraduate student. With the addition of this scholar, it will form a new LAdder to UNdergraduates CHanging Science (LAUNCH) team. In addition to the research being presented at the University’s Undergraduate Research Symposium, the research opportunity will give opportunity for CBI Fellows to practice their mentoring, communication in science, planning skills in timelines and budgets, and delegating roles and responsibilities of a project.

Career partnerships

Our goal is to prepare fellows for diverse career paths after completing their degrees. We offer opportunities to apply technical, communicative, teamwork, and ethics training with institutions and global partners to build their careers. These experiences enhance intra- and intercultural communication and institutional competency. Fellows will gain translational skills applicable to industry and agency-relevant science. To learn more about our partners and collaborators, visit our Partners and Collaborators page.