
Mircea Nicolescu

Mircea Nicolescu


Prospective graduate students

I am always looking for well-qualified Ph.D. or M.S. students interested in research work on a wide range of topics in computer vision. As general requirements, applicants should have a first degree in either computer science or another engineering field, in mathematics or in physics. Good mathematical background and programming skills in C or C++ are necessary.

If you are interested in computer vision research, I encourage you to first enroll in a related course, such as computer vision, image processing, pattern recognition or machine learning.

Learn more about our graduate programs 

Research interests

  • Computer vision
  • Pattern recognition
  • Analysis and interpretation of visual motion
  • Perceptual organization
  • Three-dimensional reconstruction
  • Image and video segmentation
  • Vision-based surveillance and activity recognition
  • Human-computer and human-robot interaction