
Adding video from My Media to a course module

Video from My Media can easily be added a Module through the use of a Content Page in WebCampus. Follow the instructions below to add a video from My Media to a Course Module.

Step 1: Log in to and browse to your course.

Step 2: Click on Modules in the left-hand course menu.

Step 3: Browse to the Module where you would like to place the video.

Step 4: Click on the + across from the Module title.

Screen clipping of the Module Add Item window in WebCampus. "Page" is selected from the Add drop-down menu. "New page" is selected from the list of options. An arrow indicates the page name field.
[Figure 1] Screen clipping of the Module Add Item window in WebCampus. "Page is selected from the Add drop-down menu. "New Page" is selected from the list of options. An arrow indicates the Page Name field.

Step 5: In the window that opens, select Page from the Add drop-down menu.

Step 6: From the list in the center of the window, select [ New Page ].

Step 7: Enter a Page Name for the video.

Step 8: Click the Add Item button.

Step 9: This will create a new page in the module; Click on the title of the page you just created.

Step 10: This will open your new blank page; click the Edit button.

Screen clipping of the Content Page edit page. The Rich Text Editor is shown with the More External Tools drop-down menu activated and the mouse cursor over the "Embed Kaltura Media" option. The entire More External Tools drop-down menu is highlighted.
[Figure 2] Screen clipping of the Content Page edit page. The Rich Text Editor is shown with an arrow pointed at the Embed My Media content icon.

Step 11: Enter the title for the page and any additional text in the text editor.

Step 12: Click the Embed My Media content icon on the text editor tool bar to add your video.

Step 13: In the window that opens, select existing content in your My Media by clicking the Select button adjacent to the video or upload a new video by clicking the + Add New button.

Step 14: The video will embed in the text editor, so students can view it directly from the Course Module.

Step 15: Click the Save button to save your work or click the Save & Publish button to save your work and make the page available to your students.