Bylaws for Western Area Cooperative Extension ÐÔ°®ÎåÉ«Ìì, Reno
- Approved by Western Area Faculty 12/7/00. Revisions approved 3/26/01
- Approved by Western Area Director 12/19/00. Revisions approved 4/19/01
- Approved by the Dean and Director of Cooperative Extension 6/1/01
- Revised as recommended by the Senate Executive Board 3/4/02
- Approved by the UNR President (pending).
Table of Contents
- Mission Statement
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Organization and Administrative Structure
- Part 3: Faculty Personnel Policies
Mission Statement
The Western Area's mission is to discover, develop, disseminate, preserve, and use knowledge to strengthen the social, economic, and environmental well being of the people.
Part 1 — Introduction
Chapter I — Bylaws
These bylaws are authorized by Part 2, Chapter I, section 5 of the ÐÔ°®ÎåÉ«Ìì, Reno Bylaws.
The Bylaws provide for (1) the organization and administrative structure and (2) the personnel policies ad procedures for the faculty of the Western Area of the ÐÔ°®ÎåÉ«Ìì Cooperative Extension, the ÐÔ°®ÎåÉ«Ìì, Reno (herein after referred as the University) and are consistent with the ÐÔ°®ÎåÉ«Ìì Cooperative Extension Bylaws, the University Bylaws, and the University and Community College System of Nevada Code (herein after referred to as the Code) and the laws of Nevada and the United States.
These Bylaws shall be in effect upon approval of a simple majority of the faculty casting votes, the Area Director, the Dean, and the Director of Cooperative Extension, and the President of UNR.
Any voting member of the Western Area may propose amendments to the Bylaws. To amend the Bylaws the following procedure is required:
- Submit proposed amendment to other voting members of the Western Area at least one week prior to the amendment being placed on an area faculty meeting agenda.
- Hold open discussions with faculty regarding the amendment.
- Forward the amendment to all voting Western Area faculty for a vote by written secret ballot.
Amendments shall be adopted upon: 1) a two thirds majority vote of the faculty casting votes; 2) approval of the Area Director; 3) approval of the Dean and Director of Cooperative Extension; and 4) approval by the President of UNR. Most recently approved Western Area Bylaws shall be made available to faculty by providing faculty with copies and by being placed on file in the Western Area, the office of the Faculty Senate, and the office of the Dean and Director.
Questions of interpretation of the Bylaws shall be directed first to the voting faculty of the Western Area for discussion and possible clarification. If unresolved at the faculty level, the question shall be referred to the Area Director. If unresolved at the Area level, the question shall be referred to the Cooperative Extension Bylaws Committee and thereafter referred in a manner consistent with the Cooperative Extension Bylaws.
Part 2 — Organization and administrative structure
Chapter I — Units
The functions of the Western Area are to identify community issues, interpret and encourage the application of basic and applied research, develop community-based educational programs using a variety of methods, and enhance people's knowledge and skills.
The integral parts of the Western Area's organization are (a) the voting facility, which are defined in Part 2, Chapter III, section 15 of this document, (b) staff which include but are not limited to state classified and county staff, (c) other Western Area faculty, and (d) volunteers.
Organizational changed shall be made in accordance with Part 2, Chapter I, section 7 of the University Bylaws.
Chapter II — Administration
The Area Director shall be chief administrative and executive officer of the Western Area, which includes serving as chair at all open faculty meetings and as member ex officio of all Western Area committees except the committee that evaluates the Area Director. The Area Director shall only exercise voting rights in order to break tie votes.
The Area Director has responsibility for administering the Western Area according to Western Area Bylaws, Cooperative Extension Bylaws, the University Bylaws, the Code, applicable laws as described in the University Administrative Manual, Nevada Revised Statues, Smith-Lever Act as amended every five years, and as specified by the President of UNR.
The primary responsibility of the Western Area Director shall be to administer the Area and to provide academic leadership to the Area and shall include, but not be limited to: convening area-wide faculty meetings, initiating processes for merit, promotion and tenure consistent with Cooperative Extension Bylaws and the University Bylaws, Part 3, Chapter III, section 39 - 43; representing Western Area opinions to other academic constituents; and communicating to Area faculty regarding Area, College, and University and the Code requirements, decisions, and policies.
The Area Director may have a representative(s) act on his or her behalf as deemed appropriate.
Standing committees of the Western Area may include: A) Area Peer Review Committee, B) Area Policies and Procedures Committee, and C) Area Bylaws Committee. Ad hoc committees may be established as needs arise.
- Area Peer Review Committee
Purpose: The Area Peer Review Committee will consist of no fewer than four members but can consist of all voting Western Area academic tenure-track faculty. The number of members on the Area Peer Review Committee will be determined by an annual vote of the Area academic tenure-track voting faculty. This committee shall meet to review all annual academic faculty evaluations and all faculty applications for promotion and tenure submitted by the Area Director and make recommendations to the Area Director regarding these applications. These recommendations will be independent of those made by the Area Director and will be made part of the individual's permanent record. Upon the Area Director's recommendation, the promotion and/or tenure packet, including all recommendations, will be forwarded to the Dean and Director. This committee will establish criteria for annual evaluation and guidelines for evaluation of tenure and promotion applications, and these will be placed in the Western Area Faculty Policies and Procedures Manual. Administrative faculty will be evaluated annually by their supervisor.
- Area Faculty Policies and Procedures Committee
Purpose: The Area Faculty Policies and Procedures Committee shall consist of no fewer than two but can consist of all of the voting Western Area faculty. Recommendations will be submitted to all Western Area faculty for approval. This committee will address policy and procedure issues as they arise. Duties may include but are not limited to: 1) providing input on vacant Area positions, 2) annual evaluations of the Area Director, 3) developing and maintaining the Western Area Faculty Policies and Procedures Manual.
- Area Bylaws Committee
Purpose: This committee shall consist of no fewer than two but can consist of all the voting Western Area faculty. This committee will review the Area Bylaws at least once every two years and interpret Area Bylaws as questions arise. Recommendations and amendments will be submitted to all Western Area faculty for approval.
- Other standing committees
Other Area standing committees may be established when needed as agreed upon by the Area Director and the faculty as a whole.
Elections to fill vacancies on unit committees, including the Bylaws, Personnel, and Policies and Procedures Committees, will be initiated by the retiring Western Area committee representative. The retired representative or other designee will seek nominations from all Western Area faculty, issue ballots, complete the election, and provide the results of the election to the Unit Committee Chair, Western Area Director, and all Western Area faculty prior to the end of his/her term.
Chapter III — Faculty
The faculty shall govern itself in accordance with these Bylaws, the ÐÔ°®ÎåÉ«Ìì Cooperative Extension Bylaws, the ÐÔ°®ÎåÉ«Ìì Bylaws, the Code, and the laws of the State of Nevada and the United States of America.
The faculty of Western Area is defined as per Part 2, Chapter III, sections 13-20 of the University Bylaws. Faculty shall therefore include all professional FTEs with voting rights in the Western Area. These professional FTEs shall be academic, administrative, and unranked faculty as defined as per Part 2, Chapter III, sections 15 and 16 of the University Bylaws but can also include faculty in authorized continuing part-time positions with the majority of their FTE in the Western Area.
Voting rights of the Western Area faculty shall be consistent with those defined by Part 2, Chapter III, sections 17-22 of the UNR Bylaws. Those faculty with joint assignments with other units and that have more than 0.50 FTE of their assignment in the Western Area shall be considered voting faculty. On personnel issues such as tenure and promotion, only tenured faculty shall be eligible to vote.
Proxy voting is recognized with the written authorization of the person designating the proxy and notification of such designation to the presiding officer prior to the vote.
Notification of Area faculty meetings shall be provided to faculty at least 5 working days prior to the meeting, unless there is an emergency. Meeting agendas shall be distributed to all faculty prior to the day of the meeting. Minutes of the meetings will be distributed to all faculty within 15 working days with a copy maintained in the Area Director's office.
Part 3 — Faculty personnel policies
Chapter I — Faculty rights
Cooperative Extension faculty shall have all the rights and privileges of the University faculty as provided in Part 3, Chapter I, Sections 27, 28, 29, and of the University Bylaws.
All personnel files maintained in the Area office shall be considered part of the official personnel file for each member of the faculty and shall be maintained in accordance with University Bylaws Part 3, Chapter I, Sections 30, 31, and 32.
Chapter II — Grievances
Grievance policies and procedures are established in Part 3, Chapter II of the University Bylaws.
Chapter III — Professional responsibilities, evaluation, and personnel recommendations
Responsibilities of Area faculty shall be consistent with University Bylaws Part 3, Chapter III, section 39.
- Annual Evaluations
Each faculty member whose FTE is assigned to the Western Area or who holds a joint assignment with the largest proportion of the FTE assigned to the Western Area shall be evaluated annually according to specified professional responsibilities, in order to assess the quality of professional performance as unsatisfactory, satisfactory, commendable, or excellent. In those cases where a faculty member has a minor appointment in the Western Area and where appropriate and agreed upon, the Western Area will provide input into the evaluation process. Each person shall submit documentation for evaluation. All evaluations shall be initiated by the Area and shall be made on the basis of equitable and uniform criteria and procedures for assessing quality of professional performance for each component of professional activity as specified by the Area and shall include peer review as specified in these Bylaws.
- Annual evaluations of faculty
Faculty evaluations will be conducted by the Area Director and the Western Area Peer Review Committee
At each level of evaluation, a separate written document shall accompany the evaluation and copies provided for the faculty member's personal and personnel files.
Both academic and administrative faculty shall be evaluated by the accepted criteria for that rank or range and according to specified professional responsibilities and performance expectations that are consistent with evaluation in the Western Area Faculty Policy and Procedures Manual. Expectations for faculty evaluations will be consistent with ÐÔ°®ÎåÉ«Ìì Cooperative Extension Bylaws, the University Bylaws, Chapter III, section 40; legal requirements of the Smith-Lever Act of 1914, as amended every five years; and Nevada Revised Statutes.
- Annual evaluations of faculty
- Tenure evaluations
Evidence of excellent performance in teaching or research, scholarly and creative work shall be a requirement for tenure or promotion. In addition, a faculty member shall also demonstrate at least satisfactory performance in service and other component.
In accordance with the University Bylaws, Part 3, Chapter IV, section 48c., a probationary member of the faculty may request consideration for tenure in any year during the probationary period. The probationary faculty member must also be evaluated and advised regarding prospects for a tenure recommendation no later than during the third probationary year and, if not granted tenure, annually thereafter. The probationary faculty member shall be informed of this evaluation in writing including the program of improvement, if needed, that must be undertaken to be considered for tenure at a later date. See section 3.3 of the Code.
- Tenure evaluation process
The Western Area Peer Review Committee shall establish procedures in the Western Area Policies and Procedures Manual for evaluation of tenure applications that are consistent with procedures for annual evaluations. Results of previous annual evaluations during the probationary period shall be part of the record being assessed. Clearly documented reasons for substantial differences between annual evaluation ratings and rating applied in assessing applications for tenure shall be required.
Area recommendations of applications for appointment with tenure shall be forwarded by the Area Director to the Cooperative Extension Personnel Committee, who shall then make a recommendation to the Dean and Director. In the event of a positive recommendation at the unit level, the Dean and Director shall append his or her recommendation and forward the entire packet to the University Promotion and Tenure Committee. If the faculty member disagrees with the recommendation, he or she may ask for reconsideration through regular administrative channels as specified in the Code Chapter 5, section 5.2.4. Criteria used will be defined in the Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure as established in Part 2, Chapter II, section 11.a of these bylaws.
- Tenure evaluation process
- Promotion evaluations
In accordance with the University Bylaws, Part 3, Chapter III, section 42b., a member of the Cooperative Extension academic tenure-track faculty may be considered for promotion in any year, An instructor (Rank I) shall be evaluated and formally considered for promotion no later than the end of the second full academic year in rank if he or she has the requirements of the next rank, and annually thereafter. Assistant professor (Rank II) shall be evaluated and formally considered for promotion no later than the end of the third full academic year in rank, and annually thereafter. Associate professor (Rank III) shall be evaluated and formally considered for promotion no later than the end of the third full academic year in rank, and annually thereafter. Assistant professor (Rank II) shall be evaluated and formally considered for promotion no later than the end of the six full academic year in rank before promotion. Any academic or equivalent rank may be a terminal rank. A separate salary schedule shall be utilized for administrative faculty for the purpose of determining promotions. The promotion of an administrative faculty member is in recognition of the level of work and responsibilities of that position. (This section does not reflect current practice, but until UNR Bylaws are changed, this is how this section reads.)
- Promotion evaluation procedures
The Western Area Peer Review Committee shall establish procedures in the Western Area Faculty Policies and Procedures Manual for evaluation of promotion applications. Area recommendations of applications for promotion shall be forwarded by the Area Director to the Cooperative Extension Personnel Committee who shall then make a recommendation to the Director. Upon recommendation from the Cooperative Extension Personnel Committee, The Director shall append his or her recommendation, if positive, and forward the entire packet to the University Promotion and Tenure Committee. If the faculty member disagrees with the recommendation, he or she may ask for reconsideration through regular administrative channels as specified in the Code Chapter 5, section 5.2.4.
- Promotion evaluation procedures
- Merit evaluations
In accordance with Part 3, Chapter III, section 42a. of the University Bylaws, all members of the academic and administrative faculty shall be evaluated and formally considered annually for merit increases.
- Reappointment
A probationary member of the faculty shall be evaluated and formally considered annually for reappointment.
- Evaluation of the Area Director by the area faculty
The Area Policies and Procedures Committee will conduct an annual evaluation of the Area Director soliciting input from all Western Area faculty and staff. Results of the annual evaluation will be forwarded to the Dean and Director for use in her/her evaluation.
All personnel evaluations involving tenure, promotion, annual evaluations and merit recommendations, which may result in salary increases, shall be made on the basis of the person's professional performance in meeting specified professional responsibilities.
The appropriate administrator shall inform each faculty member of final annual, merit, promotion, and/or tenure recommendations within 15 calendar days from the date of making the recommendations. If the faculty member disagrees with the recommendation(s), he or she may ask for reconsideration through regular administrative channels as specified in the Code, Chapter 5, section 5.2.4 and the University Bylaws, Part 3, Chapter III, Section 41. Further recourse is defined in Part 3, Chapter II of the University Bylaws. A faculty member shall receive written notice from the appropriate administrator of reasons for the evaluation recommendations including the recommendations of any peer review involved.
All personnel recommendations involving tenure, promotion, and annual review shall follow the procedures and schedule specified by the University Bylaws, Part 3, Chapter III, Sections 41-43. In case of positive recommendations for promotion and/or tenure, the Area Director shall forward the recommendation from the Area to the Cooperative Extension Personnel Committee, the Dean and Director shall append his/her recommendations, if positive, and forward the entire packet to the University Promotion and Tenure Committee.
In the event that the evaluations is negative at either the area or unit level, the faculty can follow the recourse outlined int the grievance procedures as established in Part 3, Chapter II of the University Bylaws.
All evaluations shall be in writing, with copies provided for the faculty member's personal and personnel files. The purpose of all evaluations processes shall be to inform the faculty member of his or her observed strengths, to initiate correction of any observed weaknesses, and to provide an opportunity for an mutual discussion of the evaluation.
All evaluations shall be made consistent with Part 3, Chapter III, section 40 of UNR Bylaws and with the Mission of Cooperative Extension.
Faculty evaluations for annual review shall be conducted with respect to the guidelines as set forth in the Western Area Faculty Policies and Procedures Manual.
Faculty evaluations for promotion and tenure shall be conducted with consideration to the criteria as set forth in Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure for Cooperative Extension.
- Re-appointment criteria
The probationary faculty must achieve an overall rating of satisfactory on the annual evaluation to qualify for reappointment.
Chapter IV — Tenure
The justification, eligibility, probationary period schedule for evaluation of probationary faculty, standards for recommending appointment with tenure, notice of tenure, annual performance evaluation of tenured faculty, tenured faculty in administrative positions, relinquishment of tenure on transfer, expiration of tenure, termination of tenure, financial or curricular reasons for terminations, shall be addressed as per Part 3, Chapter IV, sections 45-46 of the University Bylaws.
Chapter V — Nonreappointment, dismissal, termination, and changes in contractual status
The procedures for non-reappointment, dismissal, termination for financial exigency or curricular reasons including the notice and appeals process, sabbatical leave, and changes in contractual status shall follow those procedures outlined in Part 3, Chapter V, Sections 57 of the University Bylaws.
Chapter VI — Search procedures
Recommendations for the appointment of new faculty shall originate in the Area. It is the Area Director's responsibility to initiate recruitment of new faculty and to serve on Western Area Search Committees.
The Area Director, in consultation with the faculty, shall appoint at least two additional voting members of Area faculty to search committees. Other members may be added from faculty in other areas or units, Extension staff, and/or community members.
The terms and conditions of employment shall be specified in the contract in accordance with the Code, Chapter 5, subsections 5.4.1 through 5.4.4.
The Area Director shall consult with the faculty prior to forwarding a recommendation to the Dean and Director.
The search committee shall consider recommendations of the Area faculty prior to forwarding a recommendation to the Area Director and the Dean and Director prior to forwarding a final recommendation for the President's approval. Further guidelines for search procedures can be found in the Western Area Policies and Procedures Manual.
- Search procedure for the Interim Area Director
In the case of a vacancy, it is the Western Area Faculty's responsibility to initiate a meeting of the Area faculty. The Area faculty will deliberate and make a recommendation to the Dean and Director as to the appointment of an interim Area Director.
- Search procedures for the Western Area Director
In the case of a vacancy, the chair of the Western Area Peer Review Committee will convene a meeting of the Western Area faculty to formulate the committee membership and search process wit input from the Dean and Director. All members of the Area have the opportunity to serve on the search committee. The committee will consider the recommendations of the Area faculty prior to making a recommendation to the Dean and Director.
- Removal of the Western Area Director
The faculty reserve the right to request removal of the Area Director at any time. Any faculty member may request a meeting of the Western Area Peer Review Committee to discuss removal of the Area Director. A recommendation for removal must be by secret ballot of the faculty. A two-thirds majority vote is require for submission of the department request to the Dean and Director.