
Heather Haines headshot

Heather Haines

Postdoctoral Researcher She/her/hers
  • Email: hhaines@unr.edu
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  • Room: 325A
  • Mailstop: 0154
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Dr. Haines is a dendrochronologist with a research focus on isotopic analysis of wood samples. Her research interests lie in paleoclimate reconstruction, understanding hydroclimate variability, and working with tree species and methods that have not been considered as 'traditional' for use in dendrochronology. Dr. Haines has conducted extensive fieldwork across the Australian tropics and in the Canadian and US Rocky Mountains as well as undertaking projects in desert landscapes, glacial forefields, and wetland environments of Canada, Australia, the USA, and New Zealand.

Her current research focus is on understanding long-term variability in atmospheric mercury through isotopic analysis in tree-rings across the western United States focussing on the Giant Sequoia groves in California. She is also heavily involved in developing climate reconstructions for the Australian tropics and understanding ecological conditions of tree growth across arid environments.

Research interests

  • Dendrochronology
  • Paleoclimatology
  • Wood Geochemistry
  • Radiocarbon Dating
  • Biogeography
  • Forest Ecology
  • Hydrology
  • Tropical Environments


  • Ph.D., Environmental Sciences, Griffith University, 2018
  • M.S., Geography, The University of Western Ontario, 2012
  • B.S., Geography: Environment and Resource Management, The University of Western Ontario, 2007

Selected publications

  • Haines HA, Hiscock WT, Palmer, JG, Turney CSM, Thomas ZA, Cadd H, Vohra J, Marjo CE (2023). The Accuracy and Precision of Small-Sized Modern Wood Samples Analysed at the Chronos 14Carbon-Cycle Facility. Radiocarbon, 65(2), 561-571.
  • Bell SAJ, Lamrock P, Haines HA¸ Turney CSM (2022). Multiple lines of evidence identify century-scale vegetation change at Mt Dangar, Hunter Valley, New South Wales. Aus J Bot, 70(6), 432-446.
  • Goodwin M, Verdon Kidd D, Hua Q, English NB, Haines HA, Allen K (2022). Hydroclimate proxies for eastern Australia using stable isotopes in grey mangroves (Avicennia marina). Global Planet Change, 208, 103691.
  • Turney C, Becerra-Valdivia L, Sookdeo A, Thomas ZA, Palmer JG, Haines HA, Cadd H, Wacker L, Baker A, Andersen MS, Jacobson G, Meredith K, Chinu K, Marjo C (2021). Radiocarbon Protocols and First Intercomparison Results from the Chronos 14Carbon-Cycle Facility, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Radiocarbon, 63, 1003-1023. Citations: 16
  • Forbes M, Cohen T, Jacobs Z, Marx S, Barber E, Dodson J, Zamora A, Cadd H, Franke A, Constantine M, Mooney S, Short J, Tibby J, Parker A, Cendón D, Peterson M, Tyler J, Swallow E, Haines HA, Gadd P, Woodward C (2021). Comparing interglacial in Eastern Australia: a multi-proxy investigation of a new sedimentary record. Quaternary Sci Rev, 252, 106750. Citations: 12
  • Woodward CA, Haines HA (2020). Unprecedented long-distance transport of macroscopic charcoal from a large intense forest fire in eastern Australia: Implications for fire history reconstruction. The Holocene: 0959683620908664. Citations: 12
  • Haines HA, Gadd PS, Palmer J, Olley JM, Hua Q, Heijnis H (2018). A new method for dating tree-rings in trees with faint, indeterminate ring boundaries using the Itrax core scanner. Palaeogeogr, Palaeoclim, Palaeoecol, 497, 234-243. Citations: 9
  • Haines HA, Olley JM, English NB, Hua Q (2018). Anomalous ring identification in two Australian subtropical Araucariaceae species permits annual ring dating and growth-climate relationship development. Dendrochronologia, 49, 16-28. Citations: 14