
McNair Scholars benefits and services

The McNair Scholars Program provides year-round services to prepare participants for acceptance into the quality graduate programs of their choice.

  • Matched with a faculty mentor whose research interests are related to your own academic interests
  • Participate in a six-week summer research internship under the direction of your faculty mentor
  • Receive stipend for participation in the academic year and summer research components
  • Write an abstract and paper based on your summer research findings which will be presented at a national McNair Research Symposium and the UNR McNair Research Symposium
  • Assistance in defining, setting, and realizing your educational goals
  • Academic year seminars designed to ensure success in graduate school
  • Intensive GRE preparation
  • Individual tutoring
  • Career counseling
  • Enhanced study skills and test taking instruction
  • Credit bearing research methods course aimed at developing your McNair Scholars project
  • Seminars on writing and research skills
  • Presentation and delivery training
  • Financial aid counseling
  • Travel to professional conferences
  • Visits to graduate programs
  • Individual assistance with graduate school applications
  • GRE fee waiver
  • Application fee waivers at selected institutions
  • Professional networking opportunities
  • Name posted to a national graduate colleges recruitment database
  • Graduate fellowships at selected universities
  • Benefit from a supportive network of McNair Scholars who, like you, are working toward a graduate degree