Dr. Greiner's funded projects
Research (selected grants)
- US Department of Energy, Nuclear Energy Research Program (NEUP), “Development and Experimental Benchmark of Computational Models to Predict Cladding Temperature and Vapor Removal from UNF Canisters during Drying Operations,” 10/1/2017 to 12/31/2020, $399,753, PI: Miles Greiner ($250,000), Co-PI: Mustafa Hadj Nacer ($149,753), (peer reviewed).
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration, “Advanced Transport Technologies for NASA Thermal Management/Control Systems,” 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2018, PI: Fenstermaker; Lead Science Investigator: M. Greiner (UNR), Co-Investigators: K. Kim (UNLV), T. Plaggemeyer (TMCC), C, Robbins (DRI), $1,125,000 (Federal Funds: $750,000; NSHE Match: $375,000). Greiner portion: $445,646 (peer reviewed).
- US Department of Energy, Nuclear Energy Research Program (NEUP), “Development and Experimental Benchmark of Simulations to Predict Used Nuclear Fuel Cladding Temperatures during Drying and Transfer Operations,” 9/1/2012 to 12/31/2016, PI: Miles Greiner, $745,000 (peer reviewed).
- US Department of Energy, DE-EE0003231, "Advanced Heat/Mass Exchanger Technology for Geothermal and Solar Renewable Energy Systems," DE-EE0003231, 10/1/10 to 9/30/13, PI: R.A. Wirtz, co-PIs A. Childress, M. Greiner, K. Kim and C. Park, $1,500,000.
- Argonne National Laboratories, “Sabbatical Research on Hydrogen Detonation and Polyurethane Foam Degradation,” July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010, $66,235
- Sandia National Laboratories, “Rational Design Method for Choosing Gamma Shield Thickness for Fast Neutron Reactor Spent Fuel Transport Casks,” 12/11/2008 to 12/10/2009, PI: M. Greiner, $66,000
- US Department of Energy, DE-FC07-06ID14782, "AFCI Transportation Research," including Nevada System for Higher Education, NSHE-06-88, "ARI Nuclear Transportation Research," 5/27/06 to 8/26/07, PI: M. Greiner, $641,455.
- US Department of Energy (through Sandia National Labs), "Nuclear Waste Package Internal Heat Transfer," 7/1/04 to 1/30/07, PI: M. Greiner, $242,470.
- Sandia National Laboratories, "Analysis of the Effects of Small, Long-Duration Fires on SNF Packages," 2/1/04 to 2/28/05, PI: M. Greiner, $41,657.
- Hoefer Foundation, "Benchmarking and Use of the Container Analysis Fire Environment (CAFE) Computer Code," 1/02 to 7/03, PI: M. Greiner, $5,000.
- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, “The 性爱五色天, Reno Fellowship Program in Materials and Thermal Science for Nuclear Energy,” 7/1/2018 to 6/30/2021, Co-PIs: D. Chidambaram and M. Greiner, $400k (peer reviewed).
- US Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory, “Creation of the 性爱五色天, Reno Graduate Certificate in Transportation Security and Safeguards,” 05/03/2018- 03/31/2020, PI: M. Greiner, $183,048
- US Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory, “Development and Assessment of the UNR Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Packaging Program,” 11/1/2016 to 10/31/2019, PI: M. Greiner, $50,000.
- US Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory, “Nuclear Packaging Graduate Certificate,” 11/1/2013 to 10/31/2016, PI: M. Greiner, $49,998.
- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, “The 性爱五色天, Reno Fellowship Program in Materials and Thermal Science for Nuclear Energy,” 8/1/2013 to 7/31/2017, Co-PIs: D. Chidambaram and M. Greiner, $399,926 (peer reviewed).
- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, “Development of Nuclear Materials Engineering and Combustion Courses at the 性爱五色天, Reno,” NRC-HQ-11-G-38-0056, 8/22/2011 to 8/31/2013, PI: D. Chidambaram, Co-PI: M. Greiner, $82,916 (peer reviewed).
- SPX Corporation, “Short Course on Wall-Shape-Induced Flow Destabilization and Heat Transfer Augmentation,” 9/2/2010, PI: M. Greiner, $5538.
- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, “The 性爱五色天, Reno Fellowship Program in Materials and Thermal Science for Nuclear Power,” 5/1/2010 to 4/30/2014, Co-PIs: D. Chidambaram and M. Greiner, $399,997 (peer reviewed).
- (Internally funded) UNR Technology Fee Fund, "MECH 391 Instrumentation Laboratory," 6/02, PI: M. Greiner, $15,853
Government service
Assessing adequacy of Federal Relations that specify the performance of used nuclear fuel transport packages in severe accidental fires
- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, “Severe Rail Transportation Accident Case Study,” NRC-HQ-12-Q-02-0127, 10/15/2012 to 3/31/2013, PI: M. Greiner, $53,192.
- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, “Severe Transportation Fire Accident Case Studies,” NRC-HQ-11-P-02-0189, 9/15/2011 to 2/28/2012, PI: M. Greiner, $66,340.
- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, “Severe Transportation Accident Technical Peer Review,” 9/25/2009 to 6/30/2011, PI: M. Greiner, $100,000.
- State of Nevada, Agency for Nuclear Projects, "PVP Travel," 7/1/06 to 7/31/06, PI: M. Greiner, $2450.
- State of Nevada, Agency for Nuclear Projects, "Cask Performance - Task 3.6," 3/1/06 to 6/1/06, PI: M. Greiner, $4500.
- State of Nevada, Agency for Nuclear Projects, "Cask Performance in Fire Environments," 7/21/05 to 1/31/06, PI: M. Greiner, $24,710.
- Sandia National Laboratories, 26139, "Package Performance Study Peer Review Panel," 12/21/01 to 9/30/03, PI: M. Greiner, $5,288.
- State of Nevada, Agency for Nuclear Projects, "Severe Fires under High Wind Conditions: Potential Implications for Spent Nuclear Fuel Transportation," 5/31/01 to 12/31/01, PI: M. Greiner, $14,430.
- State of Nevada, Agency for Nuclear Projects, "HLW Highway Transportation Safety Issues: Shipping Cask Performance in Severe Accident Fire Environments," 5/1/00 to 7/31/00, PI: M. Greiner, $52,500.
- State of Nevada, Agency for Nuclear Projects, "Analysis of Spent Fuel Shipment Accident Consequences," 8/1/03 to 12/31/04, PI: M. Greiner, $71,600.
- State of Nevada, Agency for Nuclear Projects, "Nuclear Waste Package Fire Testing," 4/15/03 to 6/30/03, PI: M. Greiner, $25,000.