
About NevadaTeach

What's Great About NevadaTeach

NevadaTeach gets you into the classroom right from the beginning. It gives you the support of dedicated and experienced Master Teachers, and prepares you to teach effective, inquiry-based lessons.

Early and Continuous Field Experience

With the first courses in the program, Step 1 (NVTC 101) and Step 2 (NVTC 102), you get real classroom experience. In Step 1, you and a partner will develop and teach three lessons in a local elementary school classroom. In Step 2, you will develop and teach lessons in a middle school classroom. With this early field experience, you can determine if teaching is right for you. Most of the NevadaTeach courses provide opportunities for you to return to the classroom again and again.

Support from Master Teachers

Master Teachers are experienced, former middle and high school teachers with advanced degrees who teach NevadaTeach courses and supervise your field experiences. Master Teachers are focused on providing support as you progress through the NevadaTeach program. They model effective classroom instruction and management, provide feedback, and mentor you from Step 1 to graduation and beyond.

Streamlined Degree Plans

Teacher certification requirements are integrated into compact, four-year STEM degree plans. Check out our Degree Plans for more information about the requirements for completing the NevadaTeach program.

Inquiry-Based Instruction

A primary goal of the NevadaTeach program is for you to understand the fundamental nature and importance of inquiry in all the work that scientists and mathematicians do. Inquiry uses hands-on investigation, problem-solving, and reasoning to enhance student mastery of the content and concepts of STEM subjects, as opposed to rote memorization.

Want to Know More?

For more information, call 775-682-8715, email NevadaTeach@unr.edu, or make an appointment with a College of Education advisor.

*Tuition reimbursement equal to the current in-state tuition cost for one credit hour. Student must pass NVTC 101 with a C or better to receive reimbursement.