General Institutional Review Board information
The University Institutional Review Board (IRB) meets twice monthly to review human subject research that presents greater than minimal risk to participants: on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays. Researchers are advised to submit projects for full board (above minimal risk study activity) review at least three weeks in advance of the meeting date for preliminary review to ensure clear and complete submissions to facilitate review at the meeting. Please see schedule for submission deadlines and IRB full board meeting dates.
Submission deadline | IRB meeting date |
12/19/2024 |
1/9/2025 |
1/2/2025 |
1/23/2025 |
1/23/2025 |
2/13/2025 |
2/6/2025 |
2/27/2025 |
2/20/2025 |
3/13/2025 |
3/6/2025 |
3/27/2025 |
3/20/2025 |
4/10/2025 |
4/3/2025 |
4/24/2025 |
4/17/2025 |
5/8/2025 |
5/1/2025 |
5/22/2025 |
5/22/2025 |
6/12/2025 |
6/5/2025 |
6/26/2025 |
6/19/2025 |
7/10/2025 |
7/3/2025 |
7/24/2025 |
7/24/2025 |
8/14/2025 |
8/7/2025 |
8/28/2025 |
8/21/2025 |
9/11/2025 |
9/4/2025 |
9/25/2025 |
9/18/2025 |
10/9/2025 |
10/2/2025 |
10/23/2025 |
10/23/2025 |
11/13/2025 |
11/20/2025 |
12/11/2025 |
Complete projects/packages contain the following:
- Completed Part I Application or Cover Sheet (for new projects only)
- Completed Protocol – Social Behavioral Educational Research and Records Research or Protocol – Biomedical Research; application to request a determination for human subject research, continuing review, amendments to approved projects, or to use an external IRB; application for emergency or expanded use drug/device or HUD; or problem report form
- Completed supplemental applications as applicable to the research (e.g., for research involving vulnerable populations, federal agency support or funding, blood/biological specimens, drugs, or devices)
- All applicable recruitment/consent documents
- All research instruments, data collection logs, or other materials relevant to the research
- Applicable committee approvals (e.g., biosafety or radiation safety committees, PRS Committee for VA research, Renown Clinical Research Department)
- Completed IRB-requested changes or revisions (for follow-up, information requested, or revisions packages only)
- Completed signatures in IRBNet from the Principal Investigator and other signatory officials that may be needed (i.e., Responsible Official, Renown Clinical Research Department, Saint Mary’s Signatory Official).
Projects/packages requiring Full Committee Review must be determined to be complete before these are placed on the agenda for review at a scheduled IRB meeting. Project/packages requiring Administrative, Exempt, or Expedited Review must be determined to be complete before these are forwarded for review. See IRB policy for information about submission types in IRBNet.
Full Board
- More than minimal risk to participants
- Not covered under other review categories
Example: Interventions involving physical or emotional discomfort or sensitive data
- Not greater than minimal risk
- Fits one of the 7 expedited review categories
Example: Collection of biospecimens by noninvasive means, research with existing documents or records collected for non-research purposes where participants are identifiable
- Less than minimal risk
- Fits one of the 6 exempt categories
- Fits additional Flex Policy* exemption
Example: Research with de-identified records, anonymous surveys
Flex Policy
- For studies that are no greater than minimal risk
- For studies with no federal funding
- Provide equivalent protections to subjects commensurate with risk level