
Internal competitive funding from Research & Innovation

Jump to: Table of timelines | Review process information | Funding opportunities and details

Research & Innovation provides competitive opportunities to fund research, creative and scholarly activities. These funding opportunities are intended to promote collaborative research, competitive resubmissions, and critical seed funding to support the careers of University faculty. With two exceptions, internal funding opportunities are open to faculty across all disciplines, and Seed Funding specifically supports multi-disciplinary research teams. Only faculty from the College of Liberal Arts or the Reynolds School of Journalism are eligible to apply for Dimensions funding as a lead PI. Only faculty from the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Education, or the Reynolds School of Journalism are eligible to apply for Artist Residencies.

Some internal grants require matching funds. These matching funds may come from a faculty member's Start Up funds, from their F&A account, from their department, or from their college. If matching funds are required, your application must include a letter that details where those funds will come from and a commitment of the budgeted amount to your project.

If you have any questions, please contact researchdevelopment@unr.edu.


Timeline for internal funding opportunities
Time period Internal funding information


All internal funding opportunities from Research & Innovation will be announced in an email to the ResearchNotes list serve each January.

Applications for Faculty Travel Grants (winter cycle) are due. See the funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) for the specific due dates.


Applications are due by 5 p.m. on the last Friday in March of each year.


Notification of awards will be made by the first week in May of each year.

Applications for Faculty Travel Grants (spring cycle) and CLA/RSJ Faculty Travel Grants are due. See the FOAs for the specific due dates.

July 1 – June 30

The period of performance for all awards will be from July 1 to June 30 of each year unless an exception is requested and granted in writing.


Applications for Faculty Travel Grants (fall cycle) are due. See the FOAs for the specific due dates.


Review process

Applications for Seed Funding, Research Enhancement Grants and Publishing Subvention are reviewed by an external review service. Applications for Dimensions grants, Artist Residencies, Faculty Travel Grants and CLA/RSJ Faculty Travel Grants will be reviewed by internal review committees. See specific FOAs for the makeup of those review committees.

Review criteria for externally reviewed funding opportunities

  • Intellectual merit
  • Clarity and presentation
  • Feasibility
  • Benefits to the researcher/faculty member
  • Potential to lead to future external funding
  • Potential to lead to further interdisciplinary research, creative or scholarly activity

The external review service ranks applications against each other in the same category and provides comments on the relative merit of each proposal. The Associate Vice President for Research and the Vice President for Research and Innovation review the comments and ranking recommendations from the external review service before making the final determination.


Funding opportunity details