
Sample budgets

Example 1

Table 1: Example Budget
Project item Cost Quantity Subtotal
Colony of Bombus impatiens, Koppert Biological $257.00 4 $1028.00
Shipping on Bumblebee Colonies (overnight MI to NV) $75.00 4 $300.00
Pollen for 4 colonies for 3 months $6/lb. 12lbs $72.00
5g Octopamine hydrochloride, Sigma Aldrich $98.82 1 $98.82
Total n/a n/a $1498.82


Bumblebee colonies will be obtained from Koppert Biological Systems (MI, USA) and shipped overnight to Nevada. An emerging standard for publication is the utilization of three to five colonies for testing so as to minimize individual colony biases and to acquire a sufficient data set. In order to maintain the colonies I will need pollen to feed them on a daily basis. Additionally I will use the chemical octopamine hydrochloride to explore neuroendocrine relationships between gustatory responsiveness, learning, and octopamine.

Example 2

Table 2: Example Budget and Justification
Item Justification Supplier/Catalog # Cost
LIVE/DEAD® Sperm Viability Kit Quantification of sperm number and viability ThermoFisher Scientific/L7011 $407.00
Avant Guard 20ul Barrier tips For processing sperm samples MidSci/AV20 $66.00
Plastic vials (1,000) Individual rearing of study organism BioQuip/8909 $175.00
Drosophila culture vials Rearing prey fruit flies Carolina Biological Supply/173080 $150/00
Formula 4-24®Instant Drosophila Medium, Blue, Case of Four 4-L Bags Rearing prey fruit flies Carolina Biological Supply/173214 $85.95
Microflex Latex Evolution One Gloves, Small (Pack of 1000) Amazon/EV-2050-S $128.00
PureLink miRNA isolation kit Small RNA extraction ThermoFisher Scientific /K157001 $211.00
PureLink® RNA Mini Kit Large RNA extraction ThermoFisher Scientific/12183018A $252.00
Total n/a n/a $1474.95

Example 3

Table 3: Example Budget and Justification
Equipment, Justification, Product Website URL Cost
3D printed pieces *This is the cost for printing the chess pieces. $300
Arduino Uno (x1)This micro-computer interprets the sensor data and handles the audio files. $25.00
Misc. Electronic components *This includes the solder, wires, connectors, and other items to build the sensor array. $100.00
Chessboard *This is the playing surface for the game, as well as the element that the sensor array is attached to. $30.00
Wood sheets (x4) *These will be used to build the pillar housing the board, electronics, and speakers. $58.00
Chairs (x2) *Simple chairs for players to sit and play the game. $30.00
Misc. funding is for unexpected expenses. $60
Total $987.94

I estimated shipping costs to the best of my knowledge.

* Costs are estimated based on average costs of the material; final cost may be slightly different.