

WebCampus Assignments is a broad category including graded and non-graded activity, standard Assignments tool (discussed below), Discussions, and Quizzes. The Assignments tool allows you to view all of your course assignments in one place, organize your assignments into groups, edit existing assignments, and create new written assignments. This page provides an overview of Assignments, submission types, additional settings, and assignment setup with Turnitin plagiarism detection. 

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 For advice on how to be effective with assignments see:


Assignments overview

This video provides an overview of Assignments in WebCampus:

Step-by-step tutorials and additional information 



Assignment submission types

When you create a standard Assignment, there are different types of submission you can choose.

  • No submission is an option that will allow you to log a grade in the gradebook without requiring students to submit anything. This would be useful for logging grades for in-class activities, like presentations, participation, or other items that you want to grade without collecting a submission.
  • Online submission allows students to submit the assignment online in WebCampus. If you select the online submission type, a new set of options will appear allowing you to choose to collect the online assignments in a variety of formats. The first is text entry, in which students type the assignment directly into a text editor online. Another option is website URL, in which students submit a webpage URL to fulfill the assignment requirements. Students can submit media recordings, though we do not suggest you use this option for the assignment submission; students should be advised to use Kaltura for media recordings, which can be uploaded via the textbox. The final submission type is file uploads, in which students upload a document or file, usually .docx or PDF, to fulfill their assignment requirements.
  • On Paper submissions are those that you will be collecting hard copies of but recording the grade for the assignment in the online gradebook.
  • External tool allows you to use LTI (Learning Tool Interoperability) technology to use a third-party tool to collect assignments. This may include the plagiarism-detection tool Turnitin, or publisher content such as McGraw-Hill Connect or Pearson's MyLab. For more information on publisher content in your class, please contact your publisher representative.

Additional settings

If this is an assignment that should be completed by students in a group, you can select group assignment. You’ll need to determine if grades will be assigned to the group as a whole or to individual students, and then assign the group set. For more information on group work and student collaboration, contact idt@unr.edu.

You also have the option to assign peer review, which means that students will view and respond to their classmates’ work. For more information on peer review assignment, visit links to peer review. You can assign a due date and available from/until dates for the assignment. You can select a due date for everyone in your course, or you can select different due dates for specific sections or individuals.

Step-by-step tutorials and additional information

When all assignment details have been entered, you can click Save if you’d like the assignment to remain hidden from students, or Save and Publish if you would like the assignment to be visible to students.


Setting up an assignment with Turnitin

Turnitin is a web-based plagiarism detection software and educational tool available to University instructors through WebCampus Assignments. For more information on using Turnitin in WebCampus Assignments, visit the Turnitin webpage.