
Appendix A: Radiation Safety Staff and Services

I. Staff (Nominal)

  • Radiation Safety Officer
  • Radiation Safety Technician
  • Radiation Safety Administrative Assistant/Clerk

II. Services

The following services shall be provided by the Radiation Safety Office for all Authorized Users at UNR:


Appropriate personnel monitoring devices such as film badges, thermoluminescent dosimeters and/or pocket dosimeters will be assigned to each person who is likely to exceed 10% of annual external occupation exposure limits.

Personnel monitoring records will be maintained by the Radiation Safety Office. Exposures in excess of the Administrative Limit will be investigated.


Routine radiation and/or contamination surveys will be conducted by the Radiation Safety Office staff. The results will be recorded and reviewed. Special monitoring can be requested by contacting the Radiation Safety Office. Action will be taken immediately by the Radiation Safety Officer to eliminate conditions where personnel and/or property are in immediate danger.


The Radiation Safety Office is responsible for ensuring that all radiation survey instruments in use are calibrated at intervals not to exceed 365 days. Requests for instrument calibrations should be made to the Radiation Safety Office. Sealed sources for calibration of counting equipment will be provided on an "on loan" basis by the RSO to all Authorized Users.


All radioactive waste will be collected by the staff of the Radiation Safety Office. No waste shall be disposed of without written permission from the Radiation Safety Officer. Waste will be stored according to its classification.

  1. Dry Waste shall be stored in closed containers lined with a heavy, transparent plastic bag.
  2. Liquid waste shall be stored in closed, leak-tight metal or plastic containers. The container must be placed in a secondary container large enough to hold all the contents of the primary container that may leak. With tritium, glass containers may be used with authorization from the RSO.
  3. Animals and associated biological waste shall be frozen and placed in heavy plastic bags or containers. Such waste must never be stored in dry waste containers.
  4. Waste which does not fall into the above categories must be stored in accordance with written recommendations from the Radiation Safety Office. The written recommendations shall be prominently posted at or near the storage location.
  5. Non-radioactive waste must not be placed in radioactive waste storage containers.
  6. When waste is placed in a storage container, the following information must be recorded on the container or log sheet:
    1. The radionuclide, an estimate of the activity, and its chemical form.
    2. The date.
    3. The Authorized User's name.
  7. The Authorized User is responsible for making entries into his/her radioisotope inventory records of such transfers.


The Radiation Safety Office will provide consultation on any matter relative to radiation safety. It will also provide advice and assistance on design of radiation experiments, radiation facilities, the purchase and use of radiation detection instruments, and on resolution of safety problems.


Advice and assistance on transportation and shipping regulations will be provided for shipment of any radiation source. Radioactive materials must be checked by the Radiation Safety Office prior to shipment. Appropriate labels will be affixed to the package. Transportation or delivery of radioactive materials must be in accordance with provisions of 49 CFR.


If a situation arises whereby radiation safety has been compromised, or a potential hazard exists, contact the Radiation Safety Office IMMEDIATELY. When a problem arises after hours, call the campus emergency EH&S telephone at 327- 5040. A copy of all emergency procedures and the list of emergency telephone numbers will be provided to all Authorized Users.


The Radiation Safety Office will provide formal and/or informal training to all persons prior to their working with or around radiation sources. This will include the specific requirements set forth in this manual and general radiation protection techniques required for work involving radiation sources.

Appendix B: Radiation Laboratory Rules