
Medical and Emergency Information

It is important for the camp directors to be aware of medical conditions and medications that could affect the camper's health and camp experience. Upon arrival to camp at check-in, each camper is required to meet with a camp staff member to discuss medical concerns and conditions and review the health form to ensure its accuracy.

It is critical that all the camper's medications (prescription and/or over-the-counter) are listed on the health form. In addition, for the safety of all campers, all medications will be collected during check-in and held in the director's cabin. Medications will be administered by the camp directors as needed. Medications will be returned after breakfast on the last day of camp.

For the safety of all campers and staff, campers will be sent home from camp due to illness requiring "exclusion" as defined by the Washoe County Health Department. Examples of excludable illness include, but are not limited to, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever of 100.4 degrees or higher. Campers may return when symptoms have been gone for a minimum of 24 hours, provided missed rehearsals will not affect the camper’s ability to perform in the concert. Campers must self-monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and alert their counselor if they experience any symptoms. No refunds will be given to campers who go home sick.

In the event of an emergency

In the unlikely event of a medical emergency, an afflicted camper will be taken to the nearest urgent care facility, which is three blocks from the camp. There is not a full-time medically trained staff at Lake Tahoe Music Camp. However, multiple camp staff members have received CPR and first aid training. Every effort will be made to contact the parent/guardian or the emergency contact provided as soon as possible in the event of an emergency.

It is imperative that emergency contacts with accurate phone numbers are collected on the health form so that the appropriate persons are contacted. Parents will be contacted first and then we will contact the emergency contact if needed.

Should an emergency or natural disaster occur at or near the camp, the staff will follow standard emergency procedures to ensure the physical and emotional safety of the camper.