
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion advising and training

DEI advising

Because our vision is to “graduate a socially aware, compassionate global citizen that makes the world around them a better place,” we often advise and partner with various campus departments and groups on campus. Our staff frequently serves on various search committees and university-wide committees. We are also known to provide one-on-one support to colleagues and departments as well as student groups.

We want to support you in your DEI work, but we do get many requests. As a result, we ask that you send any requests for our staff to serve on committees or provide support to your department or program to the Director of the Multicultural Center. You can also reach out to us via email at thecenter@unr.edu.

Our training

Although the Multicultural Center’s main function is to support and advocate for students, we occasionally conduct DEI training for on-campus groups and departments. Please note that we only offer fixed training and are not able to tailor training for groups. The training we have offered in the past includes:

  • DEI Foundations
  • Understanding Identity & Social Justice

Each training lasts about an hour and a half.

On-campus groups interested in DEI training should reach out to us at thecenter@unr.edu and include the following information:

  • On-campus group name
  • Potential date(s) and times
  • Number of participants
  • Type of training

While we try our best to accommodate requests, our ability to conduct training is based on staff availability and bandwidth.

Training and support offered by other departments

It takes a village to do DEI work, and we have a number of colleagues and departments that do amazing DEI work and offer great workshops and resources.

Disability Resource Center

The Disability Resource Center offers workshops and resources on universal design and how to support students with disabilities. Contact them at (775) 784-6000 for more information.

Mental Health First Aid training

Counseling Services offers Adult Mental Health First Aid training, which explores the risk factors and warning signs of mental health disorders, common concerns and strategies for offering support. Visit the Mental Health First Aid for Adults page for more information.

Safe Space training

Although our department originally led this training, the Queer and LGBT Advocacy Board currently provides Safe Space training. Please reach out to them at qlabeboardunr@gmail.com.

Undocumented/DACA student training

The Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX provides undocumented/DACA training as well as support for our undocumented/DACA students. Please reach out to Janet Najera at jnajera@unr.edu for more information.

Veteran Services

The university’s Veteran Services office offers workshops on supporting veteran students. Contact them at veteranservices@unr.edu for more information.